In The Valley

It’s been slow going on the artistic front for woah, okay about a year now. Figured I should do a quick round-up anyway, so to start things off, here’s the latest update on my Morrigan brain-rot. She’s really been taking the hits lately, every single … Continue readingIn The Valley

Spiracht, Half-drow Bard

NPC #52: Spiracht, Half-drow Bard While he is typically driven by his unending quest for knowledge, Spi has made great sacrifices in the past to protect others.

Keelik, Water Genasi Druid

NPC #51: Keelik, Water Genasi Druid Keelik makes up for his ‘goldfish’ memory by intuiting his environment. He travels the material plane to find the lost Orb of Xendril.